Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:18 am
Hey all,
Been playing WoG since I got my grubby mitts on the Folio (when it was new <- old fart) but since about 1998 I've converted to GURPS rules.
Curious if there are any other GURPS fans out there, and I'd like to compare notes.
GURPS isn't without its problems, but I've always liked the magic system, appreciate more options in combat without the (IMO) silly 'feats' of D&D 3e+ and it works really well at the low end for grittiness, but gives good potential for high-power gaming, so its a net positive.
[Stream of consciousness rambling here, apologies in advance for ...ooooooh shiny....]
Can fine-tune PCs and NPCs well.
More detailed combat rules that work for everyone from unskilled peasant to 'high level' character.
Point-based system makes balancing (starting) characters easier; avoids the 1st ed. different leveling scale per class and demi-human level limits, and minimizes arbitrary balance issues.
All the skills/powers/magic etc. work on a similar system, 3d6 vs. skill/spell, contested by the opponents skill if allowed etc.
Combat cam be s l o w .
Line between 'classes' can become blurred - e.g. there are at least three ways to design a dedicated healer WITHOUT using clerical magic.
More work up front for the GM converting well, everything.
Some Greyhawk flavor is integral to the rules - such as the Circle of Eight's prominence in the old spell lists.
Now I do my best to minimize the flaws; the point system tends to encourage specialization minimizing the wizards in full plate issue.
I try to create the traditional classes as templates for the PCs to choose from, and in-game cultural traditions/prejudices help slide characters into the archetypical roles without some of the head-scratching sillyness that came in the name of balance.
Furyondy has few mages, and its knights are the pinnacle of its military might, with the trappings of chivalry being highly prized - you're not going to find a knight to take you under his wing as a squire that's going to let you run off for stealth/magic training, and if you use those 'gifts' you're likely to be scorned and shunned by your knightly peers.
Clerics of Rao would choose violence as an absolute last resort, and are unlikely to be trained to use weapons [and in GURPS terms a Pacifism Disad of some sort would be typical - at least Cannot harm innocents.] so they'd probably shun arms and armor other than the most simple, and certainly wouldn't be trained in their use officially.
Just some quick examples.