Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:02 am
I find the "Who is Who" article potentially useful for my campaign, and I intend to print it and stick it in the binder. In my GH 576 CY game, my players have multiple sets of characters. One set of characters has spent a good amount of time in the Saltmarsh area, as I was running the U-series. They have since moved out of that area, but should they return (they likely will, as they are property owners now) I will make use of this material. Excellent work, GVD.
What particularly intrigues me is that what you present is systemless, it can be plugged into anyone's game, and that it is not dependent upon events that took place after 576 CY, such as FtA. That is not to say that such materials that make use of Mr. Sargent's materials (and beyond) are not of excellent quality; rather, it's just that they might not necessarily mesh well with my own home campaign.
--Jeff T.