Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:41 pm
Canonfire! Chronicles Iconic Characters?
Granted the first issue of CC isn't out yet, but has anyone thought about the idea of working up iconic characters for Canonfire in general? Recurring characters to use in future issues of CC, or even the Oerth Journal if one wants.
I always liked the idea of the icons in 3.5, but sad they were so generic. Some GREYHAWK-flavored iconics would really hit the spot, me thinks. Anyone think this would be cool, or have any ideas? I'm sure MOST of you have played a character that would make a perfect iconic. My characters are totally off the wall and would stick out like a sore thumb (like my character Remus Erlrahvon, snow elf monk were-polar-bear), and though he is based in Greyhawk (abandoned in Beltander in the Gnarley Forest), he isn't "down to Oerth". Not traditional Greyhawk, for sure.
I'd be more than happy to sketch some of these characters up if anyone had any ideas. :)
Just a thought!